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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Hi: 46
Sunday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: 28
Presidents Day
Mostly Sunny
Hi: 55
Monday Night
Mostly Cloudy
Lo: 39
Rain Showers
Hi: 50
Tuesday Night
Lo: 24
Hi: 37
Wednesday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: 19
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 2/16: 338.13 (+0.63)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water stained; 50 degrees; 0.31 feet above pool. Bass are good continuing to push shallower to stage for the spawn. Areas near spawning flats with deeper water access and standing timber have been the most productive. Throwing an Alabama rig in deeper water, or a flat sided square bill or jerkbait in 8-10 feet of water has worked well. Report by Blake Doughtie, Lake Country Lunkers Lures and Guide Service. Black bass are in pre-spawn pattern. Look for females in 5-8 feet of water hanging in trees and brush. Look for males cruising the banks preparing nests. Try bait fish patterns around flooded trees and deep points. Clousers on sunny rocky shores might draw a strike. Report by Guide Alex Guthrie, Fly Fish Fork Guide Service.
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